Wednesday, April 8, 2015

New Shoes and Fitbitbe

My new kicks!! In love!!! Asics Nimbus 16

been waiting for what seems like forever to get this and it finally came,
it's the Fitbit Charge HR.. so far love it!!

P90X3 mixed with running

This week I started back running again..

 I finally got some new running shoes when I was in Utah last week...and I LOVE them!!! They are so comfy and roomy too!!  I needed to start running soon and get some good miles in before my marathon training starts next month...

To say I am scared is a HUGE understatement...  I keep going back and forth wondering if I can even do this... this is so big for me... one of the biggest goals I have ever done.... it is so CRAZY right??  I don't know...

Right now I have just started out super slow... 2 miles a day, after I get my P90X3 in... and right now I am running on my treadmill, cause there is snow outside!! Yuck!! It's April for crying out loud... the snow had its chance and now it needs to be done and over with it!!

So far with the running it has been a bit of a struggle, but I have tried to push myself to keep going... I need to have a base of 20 miles a week to be in a good place... if I can get there then I will feel good...but right now, it's not looking to promising... but I will not stop.. I will keep going... just need to keep up with eating better so I can drop some weight and then I will feel much better....

I also am going to keep up with the weight training while I train for my marathon, I want to go into this being a lot stronger than I was when I did my first half... I have confidence in this..! I need all your support...

I also cannot wait to move back to Utah to get in with some of the group runs they have going on out there.... lets hope I can keep up... anyway for now here are a few pictures of this week after I got all my workouts done...

Keep it real!! Love you all!


It has been a while since I posted... and I am sorry for that... I have a lot of crazy stuff going on in my personal life and so I am kinda flying by the seat of my pants... I am keeping up with my workouts faithfully, but as far as keeping up on the blog not so much...

Anyway, so I have started P90X3 and at first I was so hesitant, and thinking I don't like how it is so slow compared to what I have been doing...but since the first week my mind has changed...  I love how I don't have to beat my body into the ground every day..  With the insanity programs which I still absolutely love they are just very fast paced and feel so good to have a bit of a break from that... This program is a lot of weight training which is something I think I have needed...  There are some workouts that are cardio based as well... which I love having a mix of both...

So I did my first month of the program and just felt much stronger, and started to see a little definition in my arms... (little obsessed with my arms right now... ) I started my 2nd month while I was in Utah visiting some family... and I just continue to love it!  Now if I can just keep my eating in check for the next month and a half that would be the best!!

I am really struggling with my eating...but just recently feel like I have found a new motivation to eat healthy... I feel like I am being held accountable by some friends and family to get some great results.. so that is helping me track my food and help me to watch what I put in my mouth... Every day is a new day!

Here are some of my random P90X3 workout pictures...
I honestly never thought you could sweat so much when doing weight lifting... or push-ups and pull-ups... boy I was wrong!!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Finishing Insanity Max 30

I am so happy I completed Insanity Max 30... it was a killer program.. and I had a love/hate relationship with it the entire time.... LOL... I loved the fact it was only 30 min. long... it was so great not to have to workout for so long... I could do it early enough in the day and not have it interfere with what I was doing that day...  I improved every workout I did and that felt good...

My max out times were not that high, but I tried to just keep focused on my form and to really do my best with that... and I always hit it super hard... I realized you can't compare yourself to anyone else... We are all different and live very different lives... You just do the best you can.. and thats what I did...

As I continue on with my journey... I am turning to P90X3 and so far I think I like it... this program is also only 30 min which I LOVE! and I really would like to get some definition in my arms.. I got a little with Insanity Max but I would like more... and I think P90X3 will really help me with that.. and not only that I am going to be starting my training for my marathon here pretty soon in May!! So I think it will help me lean out a little and in turn help me with my running game!!  So stay tuned for more results and tough days ahead.. thanks for all your support and encouragement!

Insanity Max 30 Results

I have been putting this off for as long as I can...

I have to admit, I was really nervous to put my results up... cause there wasn't much change...   I worked my butt off for 2 months.. and really don't have a whole lot to show for it... and I know why... EATING.... my eating habits are awful...

Even when I make a conscious effort to be better it's still really hard... super hard... A few years ago I didn't have any problems saying no to sweets, cause I wanted the best results ever.. and I got some really dang awesome results!! I need to re-commit myself to being healthier all around... I tell you... it really sucks to literally beat your body every day.. and only lose 3lbs.. Burning all those calories means nothing if you can't keep EXTRA calories out of your mouth...

So... even though I am a little embarrassed to share, I need to do this to keep me on track and accountable... this is just a little change...but makes me see if I am not eating correctly things won't change much....

Here they are... Now also realize I did fall off the wagon and gained a little after I stopped doing Insanity and trained for my half's...  so anyway here are my results

Insanity Max 30 Start Date: January 5th 2015

Starting  Weight: 189 lbs.

Ending Weight: 186 lbs.

L Arm Start: 12"
L Arm End: 12"

R Arm Start: 12"
R Arm End: 12 1/4"

L Thigh Start: 25 1/2"
L Thigh End: 23 1/2"

R Thigh Start: 25 1/2"
R Thigh End: 24"

L Calf Start: 15"
L Calf End:  15"

R Calf Start: 14 1/2"
R Calf End: 15"

Waist Start: 45 1/2"
Waist End: 42"

Hips Start: 45"
Hips End:  43 1/2"

Chest Start: 41 1/2"
Chest End: 40 1/4"

So a total of 3lbs lost and about 8 3/4" inches lost all around... I have to be happy about some loss but wish I would have worked harder on my eating to make it more of a loss... Also the fact that I improved each and every time I did my workouts is something to celebrate!!

Now for the Before and After......

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Insanity Max 30

Hey guys, I am done with Insanity Max 30... and really couldn't be happier with being done... my results... not totally great...but I did lose so that is important to me...  I will be posting progress pictures this coming week.. and I will also be starting p90X3... I kinda want to focus on strengthening my body... and then soon after I will be starting to train for my first ever marathon.... I keep thinking to myself, what have I done?? I am not sure I can do this.... we shall see what the future holds for me! Come back to see pictures and my progression as I continue to fight this battle...

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Eating challenge... this is real...

The struggle with eating clean is real for me... There are some days I do excellent in eating well... and I feel great... and then there is that one food... that evil food... PIZZA..  Pizza is a huge downfall for me... I have the hardest time saying no, but I have cut my portions significantly... which is better than to just continue eating the same amount...

As for sweets.... they don't really taste good to me all that much anymore... I will get a candy bar once in a while and it just doesn't satisfy me like it used to... which is a great thing!  I just think as I continue to work hard and try hard to be better things will get easier... Just the other night, we had pizza and I told my husband that it just didn't taste that good anymore... so why do we eat it when it doesn't taste good anymore?? I am not sure why... maybe cause we have eaten it for so long that it's just automatic??  Who knows... I just wanted to put this out there... as a challenge to myself... and to anyone else who reads this and wants to join me...

I challenge myself to be more aware of every little thing that goes in my mouth. I will not buy any treats while I wait to be checked out in the line at the stores... I will stay away from pizza, even if my family orders it...  I will choose healthy all the way for the rest of this month.... I can do this... I have done it before.... and I am confident I will succeed... in order for me to keep this, I will be posting it on my facebook page to be held accountable... I will need all the support I can get... Lets go! Who's with me!?